Thursday, June 24, 2010

Good Night Moon

We LOVE this game! I saw this game packed away in a cabinet at our church and recommended it to my grandma as a gift idea for Savannah's birthday. Granny found it at Toys R Us and as soon as Savannah opened it, she recognized the famous green bedroom with the distinct room articles....and that bold yellow title...she didn't need to read. She knew it was Good Night Moon.
Based on the Margaret Wise Brown children's classic, this game requires no reading skills and has several educational features! One of the most obvious skills is turn-taking. At three years old, Savannah is at the age where she needs to learn how to take turns. There are several game options, but we have chosen the simple "hold up a card and see who has it on their board....give it to them to place on their board" option! Sounds a little boring, but not to a 3 year old who hasn't had experience with board games. There is no "loser" in this game...that lesson will come soon enough.
It teaches matching and memory skill-building. Helps develop cognitive, visual, and language skills too! Not to mention the important social skills: following rules and sharing and respecting others! The age recommendation is 2.5 to 6 years old. I don't know that a 6 year old would enjoy it, but if you have a young child at home, this game is a great one to have in your stash!
Just thought I'd share! And now, good night stars, good night air, good night noises everywhere.

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