Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Savannah and Noah...published!

After taking pictures of Savannah and Noah this summer for their 3 year and 1 year milestones....we decided to make a book for the grandparents instead of giving enlarged framed photos. This way, they could have them all and take the book with them if they wanted.  It turned out great and we ordered a copy for ourselves too!  The back of ours has the words of a song that Dolan used in Noah's newborn movie he made.  We love this song and decided to use it again in this book.  The grandparents' copies all are personalized on the back with "This book belongs to..."  We hope you enjoy our little "brag" book.  

** Click on "brag" book to view**

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Noah at Play!

Noah REALLY thinks that shopping carts are for standing in! Doesn't matter if it's a toy or the real thing...this is his preferred method of riding in the buggy.

This is for all of you who think my house is always clean. 
You might be thinking..."I'm not looking at the mess....but rather the BABY ON THE TABLE!!!!!"  You know, there are those moments when you just stop, smile (or laugh), grab the camera...and THEN "manage" the situation.  
Oh, yes!  Definitely need to put the camera down and go "manage." That is Savannah under the table....she was hiding from her brother and he was going to find her!   

Lessons learned....
#1...don't leave chair next to table! at my kids and enjoy their uninhibited, playful nature. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Juice boxes, Porch swings, and Friends!

In Sanford, NC lives a special family who we always enjoy spending time with!  We being ALL of us...including the children.  This past weekend, we spent 2 days at their home and made some great memories.  The children played non stop and got along so well.  Saturday morning was a great day for playing in the yard.  Some of the hi-lights included:  chasing chickens, riding the John Deere "Gator," being pulled in a lawn mower trailer, riding tricycles, jumping on the trampoline, playing with "Lady," the dog, and enjoying a juice box on the porch swing!  What a Saturday! =)
Click image for a better look!
These are just a few of the many memories we captured from our wonderful weekend with great friends.  

Sunday, September 12, 2010


So, let's just get one thing "straight"...I LOVE Noah's curls!  They put a smile on my face every time I look at them.  Even Daddy thinks they suit him well.  His hair has grown quite a bit in the last month and those curly locks have come out in the most precious shade of red!  We seem to think they add a touch of character to his already happy personality.  

I know that one day, he may not like his precious curls...but for now, they're keepers!  No scissors on this little head for a little while yet.  

Here's a picture in full color so you can appreciate the curls AND the red!  They go together!  
Little Noah, we not only love your curls....we love you more than you know!  Tomorrow, when you wake up...I'm going to rub my fingers in that head of yours!  Hugs and kisses from mama...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Baby 3 Update

33.2 weeks today!  Only a few more to go...
At the doctor's visit this morning, I learned that he has a strong heartbeat and that he will probably not be as big as his brother.  The doctor did another ultrasound to check my fluids and he estimated his weight to be 6 to 6.5 pounds (much different from his almost 8 pound brother)!  We'll see if the doc is right in just a few weeks.  

As for the many are asking.  We've decided to keep it our little secret.  You'll find out on his birthday!  

He's very active and enjoys spending time with me at night!!!! I guess all the running around all day with his sister and brother just rocks him to come 9:00, he is ready to play! =)

More sleep would be nice....but I am oh so thankful for every kick, flutter, hiccup, PUNCH, etc.  Just reminds me how amazingly incredible his Creator is.  

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory...Ephesians 3:20

A sweet indulgence gone bad!

While out running errands this morning, I had a craving for a McDonald's frappe!  They are so yummy!! So, we pulled in, I ordered my little "indulgence," and drove to Target...our last stop.  I knew we might be in there for longer than 10 minutes....and I knew I didn't want my little drink to get hot, so I began to think about how I could take it in and enjoy it without Noah (who sits in the front of the buggy) grabbing for it.  AHA! I'll put it in my diaper bag! I had plenty of napkins, and about 1/3 of the drink was already gone, so I figured I could "rig" up something.  Cushioning the drink with my diaper/wipe case and some bibs, we were ready to go!  
In the store we go....enjoying first the dollar bins!  Then, off to the shoe section for Mr. Noah.  I saw the cutest pair....on the bottom shelf! Leaning over to inspect closer, I felt a cold sensation on my back.  Seconds later, I hear "Mommy, what is that on your shirt?"  "What's on your back mommy?"  "Well, honey...that  is mommy's coffee,"  I replied, reaching for the wipe case that was covered in "frappe" deliciousness.  (I can't decide what frustrates me more...the fact that there is cold coffee all over me and the inside of my diaper bag, or that part of my drink is gone!) With only 4 wipes in the case (What is wrong with me???) I begin wiping first the back of my shirt.  Then, I began to notice all the things in the bag that were sweetly touched by the frothy chocolate.  Shaking my head out of complete frustration with myself, I wiped as much as I could and went back to pushing the big red buggy.  Savannah and Noah do not enjoy sitting idly for extended periods.  The noise level increases, my heart rate increases.....
So, with a big brown stain on my back, shopping must go on...but with a little quicker step now.  Confident that I wouldn't make the same mistake again, I carried the bag on my shoulder...WITH the drink inside.  We stopped at the wipes (wonder why).  And just to show how completely "out of it" I must have been.....I leaned over to get a pack of wipes and experienced a repeat of the above story!  Not believing myself, I reached for the last 2 wipes in the coffee covered wipe case and went to town.  This one was worse.  It was everywhere in the bag and added a nice touch to my big brown stain!!! Squatting down to clean out the MESS, Noah proceeds to wiggle his way to a standing position while in his safety belt, turn around, and pull Savannah's hairbow out.  Oh my! 
Pause cleaning******Re-strap Noah in his seat facing forward....fix Savannah's hair, and continue answering Savannah's questions about why I am cleaning out the bag and wiping my shirt.  Most of the time, I love her curious nature....this wasn't one of those times.  
What happened next?  We searched for the nearest trash can and the diaper bag was placed in the bottom of the cart.  And I walked ever so proudly through the store to complete the shopping with LARGE coffee stains on my blue shirt. I can imagine some people were thinking....and she's having another one????

Lesson learned today...There's absolutely no benefit in thinking you have it all together! The humbling will come!

I missed my sweet indulgence....but it will make the next one all the more sweet.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Busy days with trays!

Here's what Savannah's been up to lately...

Painting with cotton balls!
(I gave her some clothespins to hold
the cotton balls....she just wouldn't
have that!
She loves paint on her hands...

...budding artist?  we think so...

This was probably favorite tray day!
On the left, smooth pebble rocks,
some small gardening pots, and
several "transferring" utensils.
On the right, a measuring container
with macaroni pasta, the pasta box,
a glue stick, and a "scoop."
Inside the macaroni were several
hidden items
(stickers, raisins, a hairclip...).  

Her face as she began finding the
hidden objects.

Glueing the pasta onto the box=FUN!
She loves glue.

Tray #1 - paper, colored pencils, markers,
and a ruler with stencil shapes/numbers.
She didn't really enjoy using the ruler...
Oh well, we'll try that another day.

Tray #2 - Lace the animal!  

She worked for several minutes to lace the first hole....was so proud of herself.  Then she got tired of that and asked for the pasta tray.  =)

Another favorite!!!
Play-Doh and cookie cutters!

Dear cookie sheet/tray, whoever invented you probably never thought you would hold play-doh, rocks, beads and paint, but I am so grateful to be able to repurpose you to fit the needs of our little nest.  And so thankful to for the inspiration!

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