Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A is for Appreciation and Acorns

I had to post about this special gift we received from a sweet mom in my "MOPS" group.  She hardly knows us...yet she showed up at our door with a delicious meal and this precious diaper cake which she made!  Might I add she also has 3 young girls!  Lisa, thank you so much.  You brightened our day and I pray God's blessings on you and your sweet family. 

Oh yes, and she brought these fun glow necklaces for Savannah and Noah!  They were beyond thrilled...especially when daddy says, "Let's go in the bathroom where it's dark and watch them glow!!!" So here we ALL go into our teeny bathroom.  So fun!  

Here's a little spontaneity...
Savannah has been  talking a lot about letters and beginning sounds.  It's so cute to hear her say, "puh - puh - puh - puh - PUMPKIN" after we have talked about the sound the letter "P" makes.  Sometimes, she "tries out" other words... For example, she might say, "puh - puh - puh - puh - fork!"  =)  Big mommy smile!  This then takes us to another teachable moment about the sound the "f" makes!  There is something about this foundational knowledge combined with the innocence of a child that excites me!  The joy of watching a child as they learn something new never gets old

So, on this particular day last week, Savannah was playing with an acorn.  "Mommy, acorn starts with 'A'! she yelled with such delight.  We had not been outside all day, so she and I headed out  on an "acorn hunt."  She was still in her pj's (had been all day) and was happy to carry a little cup from her play kitchen to collect her acorns.  After collecting, we headed inside and created this....

Quick little craft, but she enjoyed it (anything with glue is ALWAYS a hit with Savannah) and maybe the letter "A" means something more now.  

***We still have the remaining acorns in a little container reserved especially for creative play. =)  

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